Prophet Stories
Prophet Stories
The Quran clearly states that every Muslim is required to believe in all the prophets. It specifically says, “So [you believers], say, ‘We believe in God and in what was sent down to us and what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and all the prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we devote ourselves to Him.” (2:136)☝️💪🎉
Our goal is to nurture Islamic values as taught in the Quran and Sunnah, and to demonstrate the true essence of Islamic teachings—how Muslims should behave and act. The class will end with fun activities to help the children absorb the lessons. 📝🖋️📚 🎊
– When: only for 4 days from Dec 28th to Dec 30Th at 6 PM (CT) on Ulama Institute
– Where: Zoom at Room 2 (check the calendar for details) 🕐
– Who: Open to everyone! Feel free to invite non-Ulama members to join.
– Once you register you will gain access to your account and the zoom link will be accessible 🔗
Notice : to register Scroll down to Book Event
Key elements and schedule
- Learn key Islamic values and wisdom from the prophets stories.
- Engage the students on speaking up
- total story time is about 40 minutes, than get the kids to engage into online activity as a group for another 15-30 minutes
Notice : to register Scroll down to “Book Event”