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Level 5 Islamic Study

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  1. level 5 Course Objectives and curriculum

    Level 5 Table of Content
  2. AL Salah - The Prayer
    The Basic prayers (level 1)
  3. Prayer (Lesson 2) How to Perform Salah
    1 Quiz
  4. Week 1
    Level 5 (Week 1)
    1 Quiz
  5. Week 2
    Level 5 (Week 2)
    1 Quiz
  6. Week 3
    Level 5 (Week 3)
    1 Quiz
  7. WEEK 4
    Level 5 (Week 4)
    1 Quiz
  8. WEEK 5
    Level 5 (Week 5)
    1 Quiz
  9. WEEK 6
    Level 5 (Week 6)
    1 Quiz
  10. WEEK 7
    Level 5 (Week 7)
    1 Quiz
  11. WEEK 8
    Level 5 (Week 8)
    1 Quiz
  12. WEEK 9
    Level 5 (Week 9)
    1 Quiz
  13. WEEK 10
    Level 5 (Week 10)
    1 Quiz
  14. WEEK 11
    Level 5 (Week 11)
    1 Quiz
  15. WEEK 12
    Level 5 (Week 12)
    1 Quiz
  16. WEEK 13
    Level 5 (Week 13)
    1 Quiz
  17. WEEK 14
    Level 5 (Week 14)
    1 Quiz
  18. WEEK 15
    Level 5 (Week 15)
    1 Quiz
  19. WEEK 16
    Level 5 (Week 16)
    1 Quiz
  20. WEEK 17
    Level 5 (Week 17)
  21. WEEK 18
    Level 5 (Week 18)
    1 Quiz
  22. WEEK 19
    Level 5 (Week 19)
    1 Quiz
  23. WEEK 20
    Level 5 (Week 20)
    1 Quiz
  24. WEEK 21
    Level 5 (Week 21)
    1 Quiz
  25. WEEK 22
    Level 5 (Week 22)
    1 Quiz
  26. WEEK 23
    Level 5 (Week 23)
    1 Quiz
  27. WEEK 24
    Level 5 (Week 24)
    1 Quiz
  28. WEEK 25
    Level 5 (Week 25)
    1 Quiz
  29. WEEK 26
    Level 5 (Week 26)
    1 Quiz
  30. WEEK 27
    Level 5 (Week 27)
    1 Quiz
  31. WEEK 28
    Level 5 (Week 28)
    1 Quiz
  32. WEEK 29
    Level 5 (Week 29)
    1 Quiz
Lesson 2 of 32
In Progress

The Basic prayers (level 1)

How To Pray

Today we will learn how to pray our Slauwat just Like the beloved prophet Mohamed SAAW.

There are five times a day that Muslims must pray.






Muslims perform Salah five times a day. Each Salah must be performed at a certain time of the day.

Each Salah (prayer) has a number of units called raka’aat. The number of obligatory raka’aat for each




How to pray with Zaky

On Fridays, Muslim men must perform the weekly congregational Prayer called the Jumu`ah Prayer. This Prayer replaces the Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer on Friday and it is obligatory for all men to attend it. Women may also perform the Jumu`ah Prayer if they wish, but it is not obligatory for them. This Prayer replaces the regular Zhuhr Prayer. However, if someone is unable to attend the Jumu`ah Prayer, he or she should pray four rak`ahs of Zhuhr. The Prayer is preceded by a sermon called a khutbah, which is delivered in two parts with a short break (about one minute) between the two parts. It is highly recommended to read Surat Al-Kahf (surah 18) and to invoke Allah’s blessings on Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) during the day and night of Friday. It is also highly recommended to supplicate on Friday. It is Sunnah to perform ghusl (cleansing of the whole body) on Friday and to put on clean good clothes before attending the Jumu`ah Prayer. Men (but not women) should also apply perfume before attending the Prayer. The first thing to do in the mosque is to pray two rak`ahs of Sunnah Prayer, known as the tahiyyat or greeting of the mosque. Even if one arrives after the beginning of the sermon, he should pray two short rak`ahs before sitting down. While waiting for the sermon to start, one may recite Qur’an or listen to it being recited. As the time approaches, the muezzin announces the first Adhan. Then the imam goes to the minbar (pulpit), faces the worshipers and greets them with, “As-Salaamu `alaykum!” (Peace be with you!) He then sits down facing the congregants. At this moment, the second Adhan is announced, and the imam begins the sermon. After the sermon, the two rak`ahs of Jumu`ah Prayer are offered in congregation. The imam recites the Prayer aloud.