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Islamic Purification and Salah Adaptations: A Guide (Lesson 3)

Purification for the sick: Tayammum

Purification is accomplished by means of two methods namely:

  • Pure water
  • Pure earth

Pure water includes water from springs, rivers, ocean water and wells. Allah  says:

Pure earth refers to the surface of the earth, such as dust, stone, or sand. Obtaining purification using earth is referred to as tayammum. The Prophet ﷺ says:

Allah ﷻ has legislated purification for prayer. Being in a state of tahaarah (purity), and removing uncleanliness from the body, the garment, or the place of prayer are two of the many conditions required for prayer to be correct. If a Muslim wishes to pray, he has to perform wudoo’ (ablution) to remove minor impurity, or ghusl (washing) to remove janaabah (major impurity).

The ruling of purification applies to all, whether male or female, young or old, healthy or sick. Using water for purification is preferable to using earth. In fact, it is not permissible to use earth for purification where water is available and can be used without fear or difficulty.

It is only under certain conditions that a person may perform tayammum instead of wudoo’ (ablution) or ghusl. Among the conditions are:

When there is no water or only enough water for the people to survive on.
When there is water, but getting it is risky to the extent that it it might be life threatening.
When there is water, but using it may endanger one’s health or life, because of illness, an injury or the condition of the water.

If a person fulfils the requirements for tayammum, then he/she may perform tayammum for purification from minor or major impurity. Tayammum is done by hitting the hands on clean earth then wiping over the face, then hitting the hands on the clean earth once more and wiping over the hands. One should also remember to make niyyah (intention) before making tayammum, as well as say Bissmillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Thus, if a person is unable to use water for purification due to illness then he or she may perform tayammum.

The manners and rulings of Salah for the sick.

Salah is a compulsory part of Islam. A Muslim has to pray five times every day. The importance of Salah has been emphasized in both the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. Its injunction applies to everybody. There are no exceptions to its obligatory nature except for an insane person, a child, and a menstruating woman.

In Soorat al-Baqarah, aayah number 233, Allah also informs us that no person is burdened beyond his/her capacity.

However, Allah ﷻ is the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful. He ﷻ has made worship practical for people who have certain needs, so that they may perform their worship according to their needs.

Allah ﷻ says in the Qur’aan:

A sick person is thus not excused from Salah. However, Allah through His infinite kindness and mercy has made certain allowances for him/her so that it is easier for him/her to perform Salah.

A sick person, who is unable to stand in prayer, may pray while sitting down. He/She will perform the rukoo’ from the sitting position, by placing the hands on the knees and simply bending forward. The sujood will also be performed from this position. If he/she is unable to go into sujood, he/she will bend forward as close as possible to the ground. If he/she cannot bend forward from his back for rukoo’ or sujood he/she will bend from his/her neck and if he/ she cannot do even this then a simple indication (even with the eyes) in the direction of the posture would suffice, and the intentions and words are enough.

If he/she is unable to pray in a sitting position, then he/she may pray while lying on one side. Here too the person will fulfill the different postures by slightly bending his/her back. If this is not possible then with his/her neck; and if this is not possible, then gesturing and words are sufficient. If one is incapable of praying while lying on one side, he/she can pray while lying on his/her back with the feet directed towards the Qiblah (the Ka’bah). The same rule for praying on one side would apply. The Prophet ﷺ told ‘Imraan ibn Husayn

Once again the infinite mercy and wisdom of Allah is reflected in the way allowances are made for the sick to perform Salah, taking the degree of their illness into consideration.

The Prophet ﷺ said:

It is not permissible to leave prayer under any circumstances. It is incumbent upon adult Muslims to take care of their prayers while they are ill more so than when they are in good health. One has to pray on time as far as possible if one neglects even one prayer, while being sane and able to perform it, he/she is a sinner.

Many scholars say that if it is difficult to pray every Salah at its appropriate time, two prayers may be combined. Dhuhr and ‘Asr may be combined on one side and Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ on the other. The prayers may also be combined early or late, whatever is easiest. It is only Fajr that cannot be combined with another prayer.

Allah ﷻ does not burden any soul beyond its capacity. The underlying feeling that comes forth is one of gratitude for the favors of Allah ﷻ .

The laws governing the shortening of Salah

The shortening of prayers (qasr) means performing two rak’ahs in place of four in the four rak’ah prayers. This means that Dhuhr, ‘Asr and ‘Ishaa will be shortened while the Maghrib and Fajr prayers cannot be shortened. Concerning qasr, Allah ﷻ says:

The Prophet ﷺ also said:

From the various ahaadeeth of the Prophet ﷺ we leam that he shortened prayers frequently while on travel and his Companions did the same.

– According to majority of scholars, making qasr is an act that is part of the Sunnah.

The rule of gasr applies to a person on a journey and can be termed as musaafir (traveler). There are various views of what would be considered as a journey and thus who could be termed as a musafir.

The distance of 48 miles (77 km) is the minimum distance specified by most scholars. This means that it is a condition for the permissibility of qasr that a person should have the intention to travel a minimum distance of 48 miles.

The traveler may start performing shortened prayers immediately upon leaving the boundaries of the town and should continue to shorten prayers for the duration of the journey. He/she will continue to perform qasr at his/her destination if his/ her stay is for a limited period of time.
-It is the view of some scholars that a traveler who intends to stay in a place for four days or more, must pray the complete Salah.
– Some scholars say 15 days or more.

The wisdom behind this lies in the fact that the traveler will be rested and away from the hardships associated with travel and thus no necessity for shortening Salah is evident. Only the traveler’s intentions can determine the actions of either shortening the prayers or otherwise.

A traveler is also exempted from praying all voluntary prayers, except the Sunnah prayers of Fajr and Witr. Hafs ibn ‘Asim reported:

Ibn “Umar said:

It is important to note that the traveler may perform whatever voluntary prayer he/she wishes to without any objection for doing it. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet ﷺ prayed Ad-Duhaa (the forenoon prayer) as eight raka’aat while he was traveling.

Shortening Salah is allowed for all travelers. There is no distinct difference between the traveler who rides or the one who walks. There is also no difference between the person who travels by horse, camel, car, train or by air.

It is a great reward for a Muslim who shortens Salah while on a journey. The Prophet ﷺ said:

Combining two prayers, and Salah for the traveler while riding

Combining two prayers refers to the permissibility to perform two different prayers one immediately after the other in the time of one of them. It would follow that either one of the two prayers would be performed outside of its actual time.

The majority of scholars hold that this is generally permissible for a traveling person. It would also be allowed under certain circumstances such as excessive rain, fear and severe sickness. It is narrated that:

Most of the scholars hold that in addition to the above, it is permissible to combine Salah,
– for a traveler,
– for a sick person,
– when there is excessive rain and
– for those in fear.

The prayers that may be combined are:
– Dhuhr with ‘Asr.
– Maghrib with ‘Ishaa’.

This may be done in either one of two ways. They are:

  1. Dhuhr with ‘Asr at the time of Dhuhr; or Maghrib with ‘Ishaa’ in the time of Maghrib – This is known as Jam’ Ta’jeel.
  2. Dhuhr with ‘Asr in the time of ‘Asr, or Maghrib with ‘Ishaa’ in the time of ‘Ishaa’ – This is known as Jam’ Ta’kheer.

‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas reported:

It is clear that Allah has made Salah easier for the traveler to accommodate his difficult conditions and a Muslim should acknowledge that Allah is All-Powerful and All- Compassionate.